
ParqEx API Uses OAuth

All requests to the ParqEx service are governed by OAuth 2.0 (quick primer) and follow the standard authorization-access token flow.

The ParqEx implementation closely follows RFC 6749.

OAuth Flow Overview

When a user attempts to authorize their ParqEx account from your application, the following happens:

  1. Your app generates the Authorization URL and displays the ParqEx login form to the user (see Step 1)

  2. ParqEx attempts to authenticate the supplied credentials, and if successful, the user is asked to authorize access to their ParqEx account.

  3. When the user authorizes access, an authorization_code is sent back to your app via a GET request (see Step 2)

  4. Next, your app uses the authorization_code to request an access_token and refresh_token (see Step 3)

  5. Once you have an access_token, you can call the ParqEx API on the user's behalf (see Step 4)

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